Showing posts with label PostgreSQL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PostgreSQL. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

postgreSQL Queries

PostgreSQL Queries syntax:

Data types:
character varying(n), varchar(n) --> variable-length with limit
character(n), char(n) --> fixed-length
text --> variable unlimited length
integer or int --> this type is for integer, and also we have few variants for bigger and smaller integers(ie smallint,bigint)
timestamp --> time and date
time --> only time(ie HH:MM:SS)
date --> only date

PostgreSQL queries syntaxs are mostly like oracle
insert Query:
Syntax1: to insert values into paticular columns
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (column1, column2, column3,...columnN)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...valueN);
Syntax2:to insert into all columns
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...valueN);

select Query:
SELECT column1, column2, columnN FROM table_name;

update Query:
UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2...., columnN = valueN
WHERE [condition];

delete Query:
DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE [condition];

alter Query:
Few Examples:
ALTER TABLE EMP ADD COLUMN address varchar(30);
ALTER TABLE distributors
    ALTER COLUMN address TYPE varchar(80),
    ALTER COLUMN name TYPE varchar(100);

drop Query:
DROP TABLE table_name;

like and ilike:
SELECT FROM table_name

ILIKE is to ignorecase
SELECT FROM table_name

Wildcards % and _ can be used in search string.

limit clause:
SELECT column1, column2, columnN
FROM table_name
LIMIT [no of rows] OFFSET [row num]

order by clause:
SELECT column-list
FROM table_name
[WHERE condition]
[ORDER BY column1, column2, .. columnN] [ASC | DESC];

group by clause:
SELECT column-list
FROM table_name
WHERE [ conditions ]
GROUP BY column1, column2....columnN
ORDER BY column1, column2....columnN

having clause:
SELECT column-list
FROM table_name
WHERE [ conditions ]
GROUP BY column1, column2....columnN
ORDER BY column1, column2....columnN

also see below
what is postgreSQL
Why postgresSQL
History of PostgreSQL
postgreSQL - PSQL MATA Commands
postgreSQL what is schema?
postgreSQL Connecting to a Database
postgreSQL Create and access Database
How to create user in postgreSQL?
postgreSQL Grant/Revoke Privileges
postgreSQL Tablespaces and datafiles
postgreSQL How to start server and stop server?
postgreSQL perfomance
postgreSQL How to create cluster?
postgreSQL Queries
postgreSQL routine maintenance and proactive-maintanace.

postgresql logging

below properties can be updated in postgresql.conf file

Where To Log

  • log_destination-Valid values are combinations of stderr, csvlog, syslog, and eventlog, depending on platform.
  • logging_collector-Enables advanced logging features. csvlogrequires logging_collector.
  • log_directory-Directory where log files are written. Requires logging_collector.
  • log_filename-Format of log file name (e.g. enterprisedb-%Y-%M-%d-%h%m%s.log). Allows regular log rotation. Requires logging_collector.
  • log_file_mode(default 0600) -On Unix systems this parameter sets the permissions for log files when logging_collectoris enabled.
  • log_rotation_age-Automatically rotate logs after this much time. Requires logging_collector.
  • log_rotation_size-Automatically rotate logs when they get this big. Requires logging_collector.

When To Log

  • client_min_messages(default NOTICE) -Messages of this severity level or above are sent to the client.
  • log_min_messages(default WARNING) -Messages of this severity level or above are sent to the server.
  • log_min_error_statement(default ERROR) -When a message of this severity or higher is written to the server log, the statement that caused it is logged along with it.
  • log_min_duration_statement(default -1, disabled) -When a statement runs for at least this long, it is written to the server log, with its duration.

What To Log

  • log_connections(default off) -Log successful connections to the server log.
  • log_disconnections(default off) -Log some information each time a session disconnects, including the duration of the session.
  • log_error_verbosity(default “default”) -Can also select “terse” or “verbose”.
  • log_duration(default off) -Log duration of each statement.
  • log_line_prefix-Additional details to log with each line.
  • log_statement(default none) -Legal values are none, ddl, mod (DDL and all other data-modifying statements), or all.
  • log_temp_files(default -1) -Log temporary files of this size or larger, in kilobytes.
  • log_checkpoints(default off) -Causes checkpoints and restartpointsto be logged in the server log.

postgreSQL routine maintenance and proactive-maintanance


syntax: analyze <table-name>
==>Which will updates statistics (system_tables) (or) That autovaccum will update after configured time,Then only we can see updated statistics.

2)Analyze verbose:
syntax:analyze verbose <table-name>
==> shows number of pages and Number of live records(usually deleted rows wont get cleaned up immediately once we call Analyze then only dead rows will cleaned up).

Sysntax: Vacuum <table-name>
This will removes dead rows. Main use of vacuum is delete dead row which will increase performance.
How to view hidden(deleted) fields of all tables.
Ex: select c+id,* from emp;
c+id      id
(0,1)      1
(0,2)      2
(0,255) 255
(1,1)   256
Note: If we remove dead rows from  table  we can achieve "good performance".

4)Vacuum full:
vacuum full will gives returns disk space to disk.
Note: In PostgerSQL each row will have trasaction Id:
How to view transcation id of each row of table?
Answer: select xmin,c+id,* from emp;

5)Vacuum freeze:
Under one transaction we can inserts 4 milion.If we insert above 4 milions in this case 4 milion are inserted then very first one will replaced with last row(4 milion +1).
To over come above issue vacuum freeze will be run by autovacuum for every 2 million records.

6)Vacuum analyze:
It will give only plan time.This won't execute query explain select * from emp;
cost=0.00 .... 1.10 rows=10 width=4
show cpu-tuple-cost;
show seq-page-cost;

8)Explain analyze:
This will execute query.Explain analyze will give planning time and execution time.

PostgreSQL has an optional but highly recommended feature called autovacuum, whose purpose is to automate the execution of VACUUM and ANALYZE commands.

Data loading:

EDB loader is using to import CSV data.
copy from------>import
copy To--------->Export

1)copy emp(id,name) to /temp/emp.csv csv Header;
2)copy id-test from 'temp/emp.csv' csv Header;
==>csv is in binary format since this will be 95% faster than insert.

also see below

postgreSQL How to create cluster?

PostgreSQL Cluster is nothing but another instance of Database.
initDB -D <direcoty>

step 1: create directory for table.
    mkdir mynewtable-space

step 2: initDB -D /mynewtable-space

How to increase Query Performance

How to get fastness on query? How to get results quickly?
By inceasing work_mem we can acheive fastness on query results
show work_mem;
set work_mem to 1000MB

Increasing work mem to specific user
Alter user <user> set work_mem to '1000MB'

How to increase read performance?

By making below changes in config file we can achieve better read performance

increase work_mem
increase shared_bufferes
create indexs

How to increase write performance?

postgreSQL How to start server and stop server?

How to stop postgreSQL?

./pg_ctl -D ../data stop

How to force stop postgreSQL?
./pg_ctl -D ../data stop -m f --->force stop

How to start postgreSQL?
./pg_ctl -D ../data start

How to restart postgreSQL?
./pg_ctl -D ../data restart

Note: In above samples pg_ctl is a executable which can be found under bin directory. -D stands for directory and ../data is data directory.

Security :
pg_hdb.cfg configuration file will have all clients IP address non listed clients cannot access.
pg_hba.conf can be find under data directory not under bin directory.another config file postgres.cfg where will do postgreSQL configurations.

How to load configuration file without restart with query?
Answer: select pg_reload_conf();

How to rotate db logs?
Answer: select pg_rotate_logfile();

How to view log file location?
Answer: select pg_ls_dir('pg_log');

How to view system tables?
Answer: \d$

also see below

postgreSQL Tablespaces and datafiles

  • Each database has a separate subdirectory.
  • Tablespaces can be created using the CREATE TABLESPACE command.
  • The Tablespace directory must be created and the appropriate permissions must be set prior to running the CREATE TABLESPACE command.

    CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name [ OWNER user_name ] LOCATION 'directory'

  Use tablespace:

  Use the TABLESPACE keyword while creating tables and indexes to specify a   tablespace name.
            TABLESPACE <table space name>
  • default_tablespace server parameter sets default tablespace.
  • default_tablespace parameter can also be set using the SET command at the session level.temp_tablespaces parameter determines the placement of temporary tables and indexes and temporary files.
  • temp_tablespaces can be a list of tablespace names.
show default_tablespace;
show temp_tablespaces;
How to set default table space?

  • set default_tablespace <table-space>
  • Alter tablespace name rename to new_name
  • Alter tablespace name owenr to new_owner
 Drop table space:
drop tablespace <name>

create database in different table space:
create databse <db-name> tablespace="<table-space-name>
create database <db-name> <table-space-name>

create table space with location:

postgreSQL Grant OR Revoke user Privileges

Cluster level:

  • Granted to a user during CREATE or later using ALTER USER
    These privileges are granted by superuser

Object Level:

  • Granted to user using GRANTcommand
  • These privileges allow a user to perform particular action on an database object, such as table, view, sequence etc.
  • Can be granted by Owner, superuser or someone who have been given permission to grant privilege (WITH GRANT OPTION)

Grant statement:

  • GRANT can be used for granting object level privileges to database users, groups or roles.
  • Privileges can be granted on a tablespace, database, schema, table, sequence, domain and function.
  • GRANT is also used to grant a role to a user.
-Type \h GRANT in edb-psqlterminal to view the entire syntax and available privileges that can be granted on different objects

Grant commad

Revoke statement:

  • REVOKE can be used for revoking object level privileges to database users, groups or roles.
  • Privileges can be revoked on a tablespace, database, schema, table, sequence, domain and function.
  • REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] can be used to revoke only the grant option without revoking the actual privilege.

How to create user in postgreSQL?

  • Database users are completely separate from operating system users.
  • Database users are global across a database cluster.
  • Username must be unique and require authentication.
  • Every connection made to a database is made using a user.
  • enterprisedbis a predefined superuserin default data cluster.
  • Pre-defined superusername can be specified during initialization of the database cluster.
  • This pre-defined superuserhave all the privileges with GRANT OPTION.
create user thourg commad
The create user utility can also be used to create a user
create user[OPTION]... [ROLENAME]

  • Use --help option to view the full list of options available.
Ex:  create user --help

also see below

postgreSQL Create and access Database

Create Database:

Createdb is a program(command) that executes from the shell to create new databases.
Example: createdb edbstore

  • Create Database command can be used to create a database in a cluster.
Creating Databases
CREATE DATABASE name [ [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=] dbowner][ TEMPLATE [=] template ][ ENCODING [=] encoding ][ TABLESPACE [=] tablespace][ CONNECTION LIMIT [=] connlimit ] ]

Access Database:

The psqltool allows you to interactively enter, edit, and execute SQL commands.
The PEM Client tool can also be used to access a database.
To use psql to access a database:
    -Open the command prompt or terminal.
    -If PATH is not set you can execute next command from the bin directory location of              postgresinstallation

postgreSQL Connecting to a Database

postgreSQL what is schema?

Schema is nothing but user ownes 
  • Tables
  • Views
  • Sequences
  • Functions
  • Domains
  • Packages
  • Procedures
  • Synonyms
  • Database Links
  • Procedures

Benefits of Schems:

  • A database can contains one or more named sachems.
  • By default, all databases contain a public schema.
There are several reasons why one might want to use sachems:
  • To allow many users to use one database without interfering with each other.
  • To organize database objects into logical groups to make them more manageable.
  • Third-party applications can be put into separate schemas so they cannot collide with the names of other objects.

Schema search path:

  • Qualified names are tedious to write, so we use table names directly in queries.
  • If no schema name is given, the schema search path determines which schemas are searched for matching table names
SELECT * FROM employee
This statement will find the first employee table from the schemas listed in the search path.

  • The first schema named in the search path is called the current schema if that named schema exists.
  • Aside from being the first schema searched, it is also the schema in which new tables will be created if the CREATE TABLE command does not specify a schema name.
  • To show the current search path, use the following command:
            SHOW search_path;
  • To put our new schema in the path, we use:
        SET search_path TO myschema, public;
  • The first element specifies that a schema with the same name as the current user is to be searched. If no such schema exists, the entry is ignored.
  • The second element refers to the public schema that we have seen already. To put our new schema in the path, we use:

SET search_path TO myschema, public;

Default Schema:
postgres=# show search_path;
(1 row)

To put our new schema in the path, we use:
SET search_path TO myschema, public;


postgres=# set search_path TO myschema,public;
postgres=# create table cust(id integer, name varchar(10));
postgres=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
myschema | cust | table | postgres
public | consultant | table | postgres
public | consultant_id_sequence | sequence | postgres
(3 rows)
postgres=# set search_path to "$user",public;
postgres=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | consultant | table | postgres
public | consultant_id_sequence | sequence | postgres
(2 rows)

also see below